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ICLR 2021 Keynote - "Geometric Deep Learning: The Erlangen Programme of ML" - M Bronstein
Michael Bronstein: Geometric Deep Learning - The Erlangen Programme of ML
AMMI Course "Geometric Deep Learning" - Lecture 1 (Introduction) - Michael Bronstein
Geometry | Geometric Deep Learning by Michael Bronstein
Geometric Deep Learning - Michael M. Bronstein
Geometric deep learning, from Euclid to drug design
INSAIT Tech Series: Prof. Michael Bronstein - Geometric Deep Learning
MIA and CC&E Joint Seminar: Michael Bronstein, Geometric deep learning for function protein design
NeurIPS vs ICML machine learning conferences | Charles Isbell and Michael Littman and Lex Fridman
Webinar about Facial Recognition with the Bronstein Brothers
The Erlangen Program
Graph Neural Networks - a perspective from the ground up